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Hey, I’m Sarah–your cheerleader!

I want to help you feel good about yourself. Looking for a positive outlet for my energy as a teenager, I joined a gym and took up running, which fueled my love for fitness. For the last 12 years, I’ve been a trained fitness professional teaching women to move their bodies out of self-love.


As a mom of 3, I know the toll pregnancy can take on the body and how difficult it can be to accept the changes in your appearance. I understand how tiring and overwhelming it all is, physically, mentally and emotionally. Fitness was my escape while dealing with postpartum depression and miscarriage. Fitness helped me cope and find myself again. After having my last baby, I experienced weak pelvic floor and diastasis recti. Now it’s my passion to help you heal your core and feel confident and comfortable in your skin! I’ll meet you on your level and curate a plan for you to achieve your goals at your own pace.


I created The Butterfly Method with moms in mind. You already have all the strength inside you, my goal is to bring that to the surface so you can see it too! Did you know butterflies can’t see their own wings? They have no idea just how incredibly beautiful and limitless they are.

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Personal Trainer

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Pre/Post Natal Corrective Exercise Specialist

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Running Coach

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Certified Mat Pilates Instructor

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